# Translating worldwide news with AI Go back to [[Week 3 - Introduction]] --- In the Anglosphere we take for granted that so much news is written in languages other than English, but with the global community getting closer, the translation capacity of machine learning breaks down national silos and brings the world closer together still. (Page 9) --- Integration or Replacement: Journalism in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Robot Journalism Go back to the [[Readings list]] or the [[Master of Philosophy - Main Page]] Reference: Saad Saad, D., & Issa, T. A. (2020). Integration or Replacement: Journalism in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Robot Journalism. International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications. 6(3). The [relevant section is available here.](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Saad_Saad13/publication/343263293_International_Journal_of_Media_Journalism_and_Mass_Communications_IJMJMC_Page_1_Integration_or_Replacement_Journalism_in_the_Era_of_Artificial_Intelligence_and_Robot_Journalism/links/5f203ecd92851cd5fa4e48e1/International-Journal-of-Media-Journalism-and-Mass-Communications-IJMJMC-Page-1-Integration-or-Replacement-Journalism-in-the-Era-of-Artificial-Intelligence-and-Robot-Journalism.pdf) #AIBusinessCase